Realme released a new trailer for its upcoming mobile phones, Realme X50 5G. The ad confirmed that the Snapdragon 765G chip supports Realme X50 5G via advertising.

Realme started releasing the following trailer, Realme X50 5G, which supports 5G networks in dual mode. However, the company has not set a date for the official release of the release.

Realme confirmed in the latest Weibo announcement that the recently announced Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G chip will support the upcoming X50 5G since the chip has improved graphics efficiency and the processor chip includes a 5G Snapdragon X52 modem.

The Snapdragon X52 5G modem chip is expected to support download speeds of 1.2Gbps over 4G, while downloadable mobile phones support 3.7Gbps. The second in the 5G network.

On the other hand, the trailer reveals the Realme X50 5G design preview. The front camera aperture design focuses on the left corner of the screen, and the aperture also has a dual front camera, so we are in the new realme trailer “Find” more details.

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