Motorola SURFboard Model SBG901 Wireless G Cable Modem

Motorola SURFboard Model SBG901 wireless modem
Why Size If you bought a "green" product and created your own wireless network with an 802.11 b / g broadband access point, you would be satisfied. With improved WLAN functionality, you can spend more time on the Internet. With the SURFboard Cable Modem Gateway, you can browse the web faster than your opponents, view pages quickly, download videos at amazing speeds, and play games online. 100 times faster than traditional phones. No phone connection - no phone line required. Easy to install and use. The best news is that the product has been manufactured and packaged responsibly.

On a home network, you can exchange information between two or more computers. You can connect your home network to the Internet using the cable TV system. SBG901 uses Xpress ™ and Afterburner technology with a built-in antenna to support 30% wireless acceleration and act as a hub between the computer and the Internet. It directs (tracks) information between computers connected to your home network. The built-in Motorola modem transfers information between your home network and the Internet. SBG901: • Combining four separate products - DOCSIS® cable modem, IEEE 802.11 b / g wireless access point, 10 / 100Base-T Ethernet connection and firewall in one compact unit. • Allows you to create and share a connection - a private broadband network of files, devices and terminals with or without a cable. Provides easy-to-use installation wizards for home network setup.

Motorola SURFboard Model SBG901 Technical index
  • CABLE is required for internet services. If you are not sure whether the provider is CABLE, contact CABLE to confirm
  • Depending on the cable service, the Internet download speeds are 38MB / s and the download speed is 30MB / s.
  • Wi-Fi router 802.11g (backward compatible with 802.11b) and 10/100 separate Ethernet
  • Front headlights indicate status and simplify troubleshooting

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