Qualcomm has introduced Snapdragon 865, a new generation of modern smartphone processors, which have the disadvantages of not supporting the 5th generation integrated, but require a separate modem.

Meanwhile, it announced the Snapdragon 765 processor, which has a built-in modem for 5G connections.  As usual, the processor is not as powerful as the 865 and both processors will use the flagship Android phones to be released next year.

Since February, Qualcomm has tested the ability to integrate a 5G modem into a 4G processor.  At this year's IFA, he promised to supply the 700 series with an integrated 5G modem.

Of course, the Snapdragon 865 supports a 5G connection, but it doesn't have a built-in modem.  Therefore, if the smartphone manufacturers want to use 5G technology on their devices, they need to support their modems, such as the second generation X55.

5G is still in its infancy, and may explain why Qualcomm uses the modem in a less powerful 765 processor instead of the 865 level processor.

The additional 5G modem means you need more space, battery and power, which means all the major phones we'll see next year (like the S11, Note 11, OnePlus 8, and Pixel 5).  You will suffer from this problem.  Troubled.

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