New Microsoft Math Solver applications solve mathematical problems related to artificial intelligence.

In recent weeks, Microsoft has released two new apps for Android and iOS users.  The first is called "Learn Chinese" and the second is called "Math Solver".  The first application is based on the function of artificial intelligence can learn the Chinese language and pay more attention to pronunciation accuracy.  In the second application, the math solver, whose main task is to solve mathematical problems, also depends on artificial intelligence.

This way, the mathematics analyst will assist you in solving mathematics at the elementary, middle and middle levels.  You just need to write it on the screen or use the camera to get a picture of the problem, as the app instantly detects the problem and checks the details.  Interactive explanations and graphics help solve problems if they cannot be solved.  The app searches solutions and displays relevant results that can help solve the problem.

In turn, the app also supports handwriting of math problems, even with the camera to discover handwritten content, importing images containing mathematical equations from the gallery, and in this regard, the Math Solrer app supports algebra and quadratic equations and linear graphs so that roots, rules, and result matrices are supported  .

Finally, the Math Solr app can be downloaded for free for users and can be downloaded here or here on Android or iOS.  We think the app deserves to be tried.

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