Honor recently launched the Hunter Gaming Router, which supports game acceleration and signals to deliver games with better performance and stable connections.  The router starts at $ 64.

The Hunter router features a design similar to Mech with sharp edges and gray colors.  The router also supports LED lighting effects that cover the router frame and support 16 million colors.

The Hunter router has a Wi-Fi 3 band and supports 2.4 GHz bandwidth, a built-in antenna that supports a dual-band 5 GHz antenna, and a 30-degree dome antenna provides better horizontal coverage.  vertically.

The router also has a dedicated 5 GHz gaming band that uses an X-shaped antenna specifically designed to support smartphones.

Game mode particularly supports optimizing the smartphone signal in the router: the router settings can synchronize the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, and the router can select the current game that will be automatically changed to WMM and ATF, providing user support and fast connection performance.

The Hunter Router supports a maximum speed of up to 5Gbps, a 4GB Internet port and a 2100Mbps tri-band wireless connection.  The Hunter Gaming Router is now available in China for $ 64.

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