Apple is working on an internal network for its devices via satellites
Apple is working on an internal network for its devices via satellites

According to the new Bloomberg report, Apple is currently developing a new wireless technology for its devices that will directly connect to the Internet and communicate internally via satellite, referring to business relationships.

According to the report, iPhone manufacturers are working on a new project with a team of engineers specializing in wireless and satellite communication technologies, and are developing and manufacturing antennas to drive the company's internal work. In this area.

Although work on the project is still in its infancy and may not be complete, as described in the report, the report says that satellite issues are still ongoing, as CEO of the company, Tim Cook, said on the site. Expressed interest.

Based on the available information, we find that Apple wants to reduce its dependence on telecom companies to send and receive data on its various devices by developing second-generation cellular networks and establishing direct communications via satellite.

As a result, the traditional connection mode between Apple devices has been abandoned and new ways have been found to connect them to a dedicated intranet. This will also help improve the relationship with maps, locations and other satellite devices. , Jobs related to other services.

However, the challenge here remains in expensive satellite communications, as many companies have had no similar experiences in the past. However, this can become a reality for Apple, especially as Apple strives to reduce the principle of relying on suppliers in all areas (be it parts or services). It makes it accessible to users. He made several acquisitions to achieve this goal. Why not create a network for its devices and increase its success rate and uniqueness?

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