Plustek OpticFilm 8200i AI Film Scanner
Plustek OpticFilm 8200i AI Film Scanner

Plustek OpticFilm 8200i Ai is a powerful scanner with 7200 dpi. The Clear Vision system creates excellent shadow detail and has a wide tonal range. The built-in infrared channel helps users remove dust and scratches from negatives and original slides without additional treatment after treatment. Thanks to the included IT 8 Calibration chip, this powerful scanner delivers accurate color and detail.

OpticFilm 8200i Ai's advanced hardware functionality is fully integrated with SilverFast Ai Studio * professional scanning software * (1). Multiple exposures to SilverFast increase the dynamic range, reduce noise and increase image detail. SilverFastiSRD can take and optimize photos simultaneously to avoid dust and scratches. SilverFast Auto IT8 calibration takes only 2 minutes to calibrate the scanner.

Plustek OpticFilm 8200i Ai delivers professional results with every original image. It is used by professional photographers, amateur photographers, graphic designers, photography enthusiasts and those who desperately need expanded picture quality.

The scanning resolution is excellent

The 35mm scanner features a 7200 dpi optical resolution, ensuring clear and transparent images. Output files of 68.9 megapixels are similar to files created with full-frame DSLR cameras.

3.91 Dmax smooth slope and subtle shadow detail

The dynamic range is the set of light that can be recorded from the darkest to the brightest in an open film that the scanner can read.

With a dynamic range of up to 3.91D, you can rediscover the beauty of nature, shadows, and shadows in analog photography.

Plustek OpticFilm 8200i AI Film Scanner

ICC file

Color management is of great importance to I / O devices in the world of digital image processing. Color management ensures that the scanned images are matched and displayed when printing.

PlustekOpticFilm 8200i contains embedded ICC files for various slide shows movies, including Kodachrome slideshows. The quality of the scanned image during printing corresponds to the quality that appears on the screen when scanning.

Includes leading photo software

Plustek OpticFilm 8200i Ai combines the most professional versions of software: SilverFast Ai Studio.

There are more expert functions to control binary data and to optimize the image for beautiful digital printing and professional use.

SilverFast HDRi-HDRi captures RAW data from RAW files, including infrared channels, 64-bit color HDri files, or 32-bit HDri files. This function protects valuable images from damage and loss. Starting with a 16-bit digital file, it provides the best way to get the best print results for analog movies.
16-bit graph - 16-bit graph is a graphical representation of a statistical visualization that allows the brightness value of a digital image to be distributed as smoothly as the original file without blurring an 8-bit file.
Expert Mode - If photos require further improvement, Expert Mode provides advanced functions and controls for professional users. If expert mode is activated, other standards or protection levels may be applied.

Plustek OpticFilm 8200i AI Film Scanner
Precise colors are essential for those who want to make sure the colors are correct, as the image may look different when viewed in a booth, displayed on different screens, or even printed on different printers. Color differences can cause confusion and sensation. So color management is an important issue for those who take photography and art seriously. Color management is a process that controls the display of colors on different devices.

OpticFilm 8200i Ai provides the best color calibration solution and simplified workflow. Thanks to the IT8-35mm target and the SilverFast Ai Studio automatic calibration tool, Color calibrates the film scanner with one click and two minutes. It analyzes the scanned files to determine if specific colors can be read and compare a measurement table created according to ISO 12641 with a reference file set to your color target. A distinction was made between the two and a unique color profile was created. Image material calibration and characterization ensure that images are reproduced as accurately as possible during production.

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