ASUS SRT-AC1900 WiFi Router

New ASUS SRT-AC1900 WiFi router
We send and share in a new way that our old router does not target. Discover OnHub, a new Google router designed for all of your Wi-Fi connections.

The built-in Wi-Fi should not be too large. OnHub gives you reliable WiFi coverage in more directions around the house, which means everyone is fast. Plus, the sleek design is so elegant that you can leave it out because WiFi works better.

OnHub's high-performance smart WiFi antenna is in a circle in the residence.

It will constantly improve Wi-Fi connection. Periodically searches for less-visited Wi-Fi channels and switches automatically to improve your connection.

It provides speeds of up to 1900Mbps and supports 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequencies.

If the device matters, for example, when streaming movies from a tablet, prioritize the device to get the fastest Wi-Fi speed.

He speaks your language
When you talk about "flashing lights", other routers are completely logical. OnHub communicates with the Google On app in a language that you understand.

The app guides you through easy-to-use settings so that you can call in just a few minutes.

If there is a problem with your network, the app will give you helpful advice on what went wrong and how to fix it.
ASUS SRT-AC1900 WiFi Router

The app makes online dating easier. Send them passwords directly from the app so you don't have to search for password comments. Google On is available for Android 4.0 or later and iOS 7 or later.

Now you no longer have to think about upgrading your router.

OnHub has updated its router software with new functions without interrupting communication.

To keep your network secure, OnHub offers software with advanced and scalable security features.

It includes next generation technologies such as Bluetooth Smart Ready, 802.15.4 and Weave and thus increasingly supports "smart devices" over time.

Do more with column control
Control OnHub with one column. For example, use Wave to prioritize devices to make sure the device has enough bandwidth (such as Chromecast) when playing movies.

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