Asus C302CA-DH54
Asus C302CA-DH54 

Asus C302CA-DH54 Chromebook Flip Touchscreen Laptop

I've been waiting for this Chromebook for a while and I only have two weeks to say that the device and device I bought is worth it. First, as a developer, I am responsible for DevOps Cloud, developing web applications and multi-platform phones. I spend most of my time writing code, like building cloud infrastructure in AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. This way, I can assign more functionality to these cloud services and protect my physical computer. After working with Chromebook vendors for a few months, I found that the simple Google approach to the platform was a full upgrade, and that these Chromebooks moved to the next level.

Follow three sections: Hardware / Design, Use as a StockOSOS Library and Extended Use ... In each section I will summarize the advantages and disadvantages and finally create a final summary. I hope this helps you understand what this Chromebook does and why it is so great value for money.

1. Material and design
Asus has really set a new standard for the internal components of the C302CA. Internally, this device is basically a MacBook for beginners. Beautiful 12.5 inch IPS screen with bright 1080p. The powerful compact M3 processor, 4GB RAM and 64GB SSD storage allow the device to have a high load and solid Octin 2.0 points in the range from 19000 to 20000. No less.

Physical design is not only one of the best designs I've seen on a Chromebook, but it also contains quality and design details comparable to the overall size of "Ultrabook", these details and details, similar to the design of Asus Air and MacBooks. On Zen Line, it introduces the current Chrome Pro from Samsung Pro and Pro. The case is a solid aluminum frame with a fully mobile keyboard. The surface of this case is similar to paper, it is clean and easy to clean, but it is not soft enough to make your hands slip when carrying them. Although Samsung followed the rounded corners of the iPadbook style (with the Chromebook Plus / Pro font), Asus sticks to its slim square design and mentions its slanted edges with its 13-inch MacBook Pro. Even with the detailed 2-in-1 feature after rewind, the device still has a strong feel when writing and the screen fluctuates greatly. The keyboard backlight is ideal for using your Chromebook in low-light environments.

If you are upset, actively search for a 12.5-inch Android tablet. The appearance of the pop-up keyboard is similar to the appearance of the on-screen Android keyboard, and the response speed of the navigation recognition screen and capacitive touch screen is very high. As for tablet mode, I am disappointed that ChromeOS offers many UI features that are inappropriate for interactivity. For example, the "Close X" button on the tab is small and the positioning area small. The taskbar space in the taskbar is the largest. The main area is smaller and finger-touching because the simple update of the operating system "supports" tablet mode for certain components of the user interface makes the Android system more like a dining table ... Learn more about Android in ..,

The C302CA touchpad is by far the best touchpad you've used on your Chromebook. It has a smooth glass surface that resists fingerprints and ring stains, is very large and feels strong but is very unstable. It takes over a third of the palm's horizontal surface, making it very easy to hit the glass with your thumb. The touch screen response is also very good, and I always find myself on the touch screen to quickly navigate and click a button.

In the end there are ports ... I am really afraid of this device. For an elegant look, Asus (like Apple) supplied the C302CA with two huge USB-C ports (one on each side of the keyboard), a Micro SD expansion slot and a microphone headphone jack. The USB-C connector can be used as a socket. This is useful if the power plug is sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right. Unfortunately, when charging your device, only the USB-C port is available. I purchased a multi-port hub that provides a USB-C channel, a USB 3.0-B socket, an Ethernet socket, and an HDMI out. I connected it to the back of the screen and deleted it when i use the device in tablet mode (since i usually don't need to use cables in tablet mode). This is done, but for such a dongle, running costs range from $ 50 to $ 100. If you need to connect multiple USB-C ports, the total cost of ownership increases.

C302CA battery life is no joke. Usual usage time ranges from 10 to 11 hours, and we can return to full charge via USB-C within 2-3 hours. This is a great feature in itself as it always reduces the need to defeat energy stones.

- Powerful, powerful internal tools are the entry price for this Chromebook
- Good health, you expect the production quality of the machine to be 3 to 5 times the price of this machine
Bright and bright IPS 1080p screen
Apple's thin, responsive, and easy-to-use interface
- rock wallpaper keyboard
- Amazing battery life in 10-11 hours

-4 GB RAM ... There are rumors that Asus will release 8 GB and 16 GB variants during its release ... which will be good for advanced users
- Many UI elements are not easy to use in tablet mode
- Minimum connection ... With two USB-C connections, you can invest a lot of money in an adapter / hub that you can take with you.

2. Use Chromos stock
Asus C302CA Ready to Use and Powerful ChromeOS Stock Center. The general Google Chrome logo is that the web / cloud is the main interface for apps, while standalone apps are only web apps that are bundled together in Chrome apps / extensions. After surfing the internet, it seemed at first that there was only a limited set of practical work. However, with a large number of trusted productivity sets online (Gmail / Docs / Drive / Calendar, MS Office365 and Apple iCloud Apps), you can actually use Chromebooks for many daily productivity activities without having to install one copy as something to do. Everything is important.

For extended use, there are now many cloud-based development kits and graphical tools that make the ChromeOS inventory system a powerful web development environment. I now need to use GitHub to create source control stack, configure Cloud9 for terminal development / access environment, and two AWS services to compile and deploy code on cloud server. They are all lightweight, but they form a very powerful development package and provide additional convenience for Cloud9 collaboration because many developers can write code to the same file at the same time. Just like editing in Google Docs, but with the same code. Ideal for pair programming, code review and group resale meetings.

In terms of performance, I can easily open 12 to 24 tabs at once without affecting performance. Sometimes a tab "Oh! Oh!" It could hang. This message is no less regular than systems I tried with Mac, Linux, and Windows with Chrome. I came across some games on the web, but although the graphics work the way, I don't play intense games in ChromeOS mode.

Asus C302CA-DH54 

Since ChromeOS is already running, I think it will be the flagship store for these devices next year, including the Google Play Store and the ability to run Android apps in the ChromeOS environment. You must be on the developer’s channel for your operating system to receive this functionality. However, there are many configuration instructions. As an Android phone owner I really like this feature because I can download apps from the Chromebook I am already using, I can use my paid apps on this device, and the Play Store can accurately recognize C302CA as a model factor. Tablet Edition will suggest tablet versions for many uses. So far I've downloaded a lot of my games and passwords, a lot of productivity apps, Skype, Spotify and some networks that scan Android apps and they all work fine. In highly graphic applications such as games, graphics and goblins errors may occasionally occur, which can usually be fixed simply by restarting the app. I can't wait to see where Google will go in the next few years, because if you like, they seem to be struggling to find the perfect balance between ChromeOS, Android ... and AndroidOS.

One of the settings I didn't find in ChromeOS is the administration settings. In most cases, you do not have much room for major changes to the settings. Mouse and trackpad settings are very simple, shortcuts cannot be changed and there are very few power management options. Both are simple device, but it would be nice to have better instant access to the comprehensive configuration settings.

A very useful feature found in ChromeOS that uses your Gmail account to save all configuration settings in the cloud. If I get Acer R11 from my daughter or rent a Chromebook to a colleague, all I have to do is sign in with my Google account. Within seconds, I get the same user experience as GoogSpace. ..

Clean and safe operating system, more fragile and full with moderate system specifications
- With a full suite of web-based productivity tools and development apps / services, this Chromebook can provide a variety of highly applicable usage scenarios without system crashes due to locally installed apps.
Android app and Google Play store are real game rates in ChromeOS scene. This means that the device can function effectively as a basic system for different topology application. The Google Play Store is also full of great apps and games.
- Start time, sleep time, and crazy waking time ... The system doesn't take long to listen.

System settings can be more efficient and clear
- The tablet model still needs to be developed ... it's definitely a work in progress, but with the introduction of new two-product products on the market, I expect the tablet model to be greatly improved.

3. Advanced use
[Warning: there will be a dragon here! Chromebook must be set up in developer mode for the following options. This requires a complete factory reset. This provides features that are normally disabled in ChromeOS "normal" mode. At your own risk ...)

So my little Chromebook lights up here ... As I mentioned in the introduction, I am a software engineer and love editing and simplicity in trying out ChromeOS, and sometimes I still want one. Classic app, like MacOS, Linux, or Windows. Fortunately, there are many ways to do this, and there is a healthy developer community that regularly creates new tools and options. Since ChromeOS is itself a Linux system, it has been converted to a very simple and inexpensive system. This gives us several ways to achieve a more complete desktop experience:

A) Install Chroot / Crouton Linux Desktop
B) Chroot / Crouton / Xiwi integrated application launcher
C) Double reading of Linux desktop

The first two options are very similar and differ only in how they interact with the Linux environment. The third option already has a full Linux installation installed on the device and starts directly instead of ChromeOS. Without much introduction (if you need bloody details, you can use Google "Chroot" or Wikipedia), "Chroot" is installing the operating system in parallel into a "container" isolated from ChromeOS. It's stylish because you can run ChromeOS and (!!!) simultaneously on a Linux desktop operating system (like Ubuntu). Installing chroot already shares a lot of resources with ChromeOS OS, so it's always very resource efficient.

Crouton is an open source script that makes it easy to create, install and manage one or more <chroot installs. With Crouton scripts and a good internet connection, you can easily install Ubuntu or one of its many formats in about 10 minutes. Once the installation is complete, just press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-FwdArrow and you will be on the Linux desktop ...- BackArrow to return to ChromeOS. The tours are really smooth, which makes it easy to try different Linux configs and environments.

In addition to the first desktop-level chroot method, Crouton offers another install method that allows you to run Linux in "headless" mode without a desktop environment, instead of redirecting the app window to the ChromeOS Desktop. This is accomplished by installing the "xiwi" package in chroot Linux and adding a ChromeOS plugin that displays the chroot Linux ChromeOS desktop interface. This means that you can configure the launcher to start the chroot app under Linux and then open it in a window on the ChromeOS desktop. Use this method to install VS Code, Arduino IDE, and 3D printer printer applications in this "integrated mode". This is very useful for learning everything in ChromeOS and the app to consume the necessary resources, very easy to use. It should be noted that this method has succeeded in improving performance, i.e. H. Redirect the application window to ChromeOS at the expense of accelerated graphics loss for Linux applications. Although I can play Minecraft in chroot with a good frame and good view in chroot on the entire Xbox desktop, playing with Xiwi can be played here almost. However, this method works well with codecs, generic productivity, web apps and only for basic XTerm apps.

Asus C302CA-DH54 

If the full Linux operating system is installed on a separate partition on the system drive or microSD drive, it will work better, but will separate itself from ChromeOS policy. I did this with Premium GalliumOS. Premium GalliumOS is an open source distribution based on Xubuntu that reduces the operating system effect, adds appropriate graphics drivers and memory management configurations to work on such small systems, and adds many touch features. Keyboard and 2 in 1. Functions that can be installed in many applications ... The application starts very quickly. If not shared with ChromeOS, graphics will be faster and more powerful and there are several ways to change UI / UX as desired. I haven't tried it yet, but there are reports that Steam-based games can work with this type of configuration, but the number of games available for devices is limited. Again, this is not a huge game console. You can also sacrifice the cost of not being able to use the Android / Play Store features. However, if you are running an app that requires all resources (like Gimp or Java IDE), you should do so. It is also convenient to install a 128GB microSD card to save the system on Linux, as you can also install it by installing Chroot Linus on the ChromeOS side, so that files and configurations can be shared between different install types can be.

If you're using only dual boot option, I'm looking for Asus versions that are really suitable for 8GB and 16GB models, because I think it's useful and opens up the possibility to use Virtualbox - and anchor containers with high resource availability. However, you know a lot about these three optimized desktop / app options, and I use them all for certain functions every day. So do not think that you are limited to one method.

4. Summary
Overall, ASUS C302CA Flip Chromebook is one of the best new Chromebook products in 2017, including Samsung Plus / Pro models and some new HP models. The design quality is amazing, not only a plastic toy like toy, but also a powerful unit with high-quality parts everywhere. As a standalone device on Chrome, the Chromebook C302CA Plus costs between $ 800 and $ 1,000 and offers many options, such as: B. Web applications and Android application platforms. If you really want to make the most of this exclamation mark, the many formats and built-in Linux installation options are powerful, and open community support is available in GitHub, reddit and Google Groups. When you add "secret spices", the device goes from a simple ChromeOS device to a full development platform at a price of only $ 450 to $ 500. By comparison, the entry-level Apple MacBook has the same processor and graphics chip with more than 8 GB of RAM and a 256 GB SSD, but with lower screen resolution and no touch or touch functionality. 2 in 1. ... for $ 1,300. You will not be disappointed with how this amazing little device is used, and it is this diversity that makes this device truly entertaining and powerful.

I also recommend that you consider the following items to get to the C302CA:
A) Vinyl Mold - This model has a very large number of very thin surfaces that protect the screen cover, the rest of the face / keyboard, and screen edges. Although the aluminum casing is very durable, it can easily deviate from switches, cable connectors, etc. Attached to the bag.
B) The soft, glare-free glass film is very beautiful, but has two drawbacks: a set of shiny and shiny fingerprint magnets, so that in outdoor environments or rooms where there is a lot of light in the windows, the screen becomes a glare reflector. For about $ 15, you get a powerful, fully wear-resistant film that reduces fingerprint and glare problems and gives you the idea to protect this amazing screen.
C) Extended USB-C dongle - There are many adapters to manage the smallest port direction. If you want to use the mouse / keyboard with a wireless USB-A dongle, connect an external hard drive, display it on an external monitor, or use a strong Ethernet cable, then you need one of the following options. We plan to pay between $ 50 and $ 125 depending on the quality of the design features. Do not save to USB-C devices, rather they can consume a lot of power and do not want to connect cheap hubs to operate the USB bus.
D) Bluetooth Mouse - Although this device undoubtedly contains one of the best trackboards in Chromebook Land, you sometimes only need the accuracy of the mouse. ChromeOS supports Bluetooth 4.0 and LE devices, and there are many thin and light devices. The slim mouse resembles an Apple Magic Mouse from BT and does not require a USB dongle.
E) 64GB / 128GB / 256GB microSD Card - The internal memory of this device can be expanded only with a microSD card. You can plug a USB 3.0 Type-A chip into a USB-C adapter, but that's stupid. Since many high-performance microSD cards have read and write speeds of 90 to 100MB / s, these drives can be used for multiple purposes, such as B. To store music, videos, photos, etc. on shared devices.
F) Capacitive Pen - Better than a pen with an active tip until you get good fingertips but always call the record. Help with widgets in tablet mode.

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