SimplyNUC, the world-renowned compact PC manufacturer, has announced its first microcomputer based on the integrated AMD Ryzen processors under the Sequoia name.  These units come with a shock-proof body for commercial systems such as data processing, electronic kiosks, and digital access programs in work environments with the ability to withstand temperatures up to 60 degrees Celsius!

The company will provide two versions of Sequoia devices, the first of which is the Sequoia V6 processor with AMD Ryzen V1605B quad-core processor Vega 8 graphics, 4 GB of RAM, and 128 GB of storage capacity of SSD.  On the other hand is the Sequoia V8, which will come with a quad-core processor from Ryzen V1807B and Vega 11 graphics with the same memory and storage capacity.

Sequoia devices also feature multiple connections to suit all the surrounding conditions you can work in. This includes Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 5, optional 4G connections when you buy, DisplayPort Mini connections, microSD reader options also available,  Finally, USB 3.1 Gen 2 connections.

When buying a copy of these two without modification, the V6 will be priced at £ 445, the V8 will be priced at £ 560, and of course unlike standard desktops, these will be on the market for seven years on demand.  From this month and you will be given a five-year warranty.

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