The Sound X headset with the Huawei Home Assistant smartphone comes in collaboration with the high-end audio device company Devialet.

Huawei has announced the Smart Sound Speaker in collaboration with the French audio and headset company, Devialet, which is one of the companies with high-end products in the field.  The new device comes with a voice assistant “Xiaoyi” and supports the music service provided by Huawei, and also brings the possibility of connecting it with home devices that enjoy the support of HiLink smart technology from the Chinese company.

Sound X has a 60W power that makes it louder, and adds a 360-degree audio feature that helps it stream audio in all directions.

The French company Devialet says this partnership is the first of its kind in Asia and represents its second largest market around the world.

The company has collaborated with several international parties in various fields to develop audio devices, including Renault Cars on Symbioz.

The new smart assistant or loudspeaker will be available for sale in China only so far, but may spread to other markets.

In general, the device will come at a price of approximately USD 285 (1,999 CNY) and is available for pre-order at the moment.

It may be an opportunity for Huawei to develop high-end devices in new areas, and perhaps the launch of the device in China to exploit the absence of companies such as Google, so we have to wait until we know more.

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