Soon Google Maps will talk about foreign place names so you can ask for directions without worrying about them being spoken in person.

Google Maps will soon support pronunciation of foreign place names when directions are requested

Google Maps is one of the most important services for almost anyone, especially when someone intends to travel to a foreign country in a strange language that does not know the spelling or pronunciation of place names in it.  In it, you will certainly be in trouble you need to, but with the expected update of maps you will know the right direction yourself and without any worry.

Google has indicated that it is working on a feature in its maps, through which it will support talking to the user and determine the correct direction and most importantly speaking the name or address of the site in the mother tongue of the country, and through the GIFs below, you will learn how this feature works, and it is also noticeable  It supports moving to the translation service directly from maps.

Google Maps will soon support pronunciation of foreign place names when directions are requested

Finally, Google has indicated that this feature will begin to appear for Android and iOS users later this month without specifying a specific day, and at launch will support the feature about 50 languages, with more to be added later.

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