AMD on Monday evening released the beta version of the new Radeon Software Adrenalin 19.11.3 graphics driver.  The new version of the driver adds more modifications with the game "Fortnite" in DirectX 12 mode introduced by the new patch v11.20, the only change element or change in the change log.  Besides, as in the update log of the 19.11.2 definition, the company acknowledged that it is still working on the problem of display signal loss when playing with graphics cards from the Radeon RX 5700 series.

This version also adds support for the upcoming Red Dead: Redemption II game release, This release also includes work stability improvements as well as support for new Vulkan add-ons.

Known issues

Radeon RX 5700 series graphics cards can intermittently experience loss of display or video signal during gameplay.

Radeon RX 5700 series graphics cards may experience stutter in some games with a 1080p display resolution and low game settings.

Enabling HDR causes system instability during game play when Radeon ReLive is enabled with some cards.

Enabling composite graphical features to measure performance on some games may lead to stutter or flicker of the screen, or misuse of VRAM.

Some cards of the AMD Radeon VII series may experience high memory frequencies in idle mode or on the desktop.

 Running Radeon Overlay may reduce games or lose focus when HDR is enabled within Windows®.

You can now get this copy of the definition through this link.

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